IMPRINT 2nd edition, year of publication 2022 publication: hamburg, germany publisher: rene otto & trust in dialog services gmbh copyright: 2022 by rene otto & trust in dialog services gmbh merkurring 33-35, 22143 hamburg email: info@trustindialog.de www.trustindialog.de all right reserved all pictures & layout: rene otto printed in germany ISBN: 978-3-9817464-8-8 ABOUT THE AUTHOR ABOUT THE AUTHOR rene otto was born in oldenburg, germany in 1975, since 2010 he is married with his beloved wife britta, in 2015 their daughter imani was born. rene studied business administration and works as businessman in his own company group (consulting, eCommerce, IT, logistics) and author. in 1996 he startet his journalistic carrer by co-publishing a music- fanzine and 2 years later he published with partners „bright eyes magazin“, first published in print form, from 2003 as online version. since 2006 he owns with business partners Rock N Shop GmbH - an eCommerce company for merchandise within his selfowned „trust in“ group. 1993 he visited roskilde festival for the first time, since 1996 rene works as stage photographer, he published his first photo works for roskilde festival in 1999. roskilde festival 2022 - pictures by rene otto is the 11. picture book (2001-2009 (collection), 2012-2019 (one each year), 2020- 2021 (2 years - no-festival edition)) about the nordic festival institution. in his archive rene keeps round about 72.000 pictures of roskilde festival. the current book is, comparable to the previous, an equal symbioses of daily festival life and stage photography. on various pages the mixture of festival culture is presented and serveral performing acts on stage complete the roskilde festival photobook 2022. rene thanks roskilde festival for more than 20-years of partnership. 2
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